Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So, all of the major NEWS networks are reporting the "Gaff" that Mitt Romney made in May at a closed door fundraiser.  This is the Socialist media's way of diverting attention away from how retarded our Comrade in Chief is. He stated in an interview that Egypt isn't an ally, his state dept offered an appology regarding a movie that nobody ever heard of which in turn drew the attention of the world to the stupid video enflaming an already volatile situation. The Obama regime claims the video sparked the attack on our Ambassador Stevens, however nobody in the crowd was chanting or had signs in protest of it (the movie). The crowd was chanting "Obama we are Osama" over and over again. They boasted in letters and postes on the internet that they treated the late Mr. Stevens body as Gaddafi's body was treated upon his death, including sodomizing the corps.  This coming on the anniversary of 9/11 and after a week of Obama bragging the he killed Osoma and Gaddafi. It was not a coordinated attack according to our government, but someone surprisingly shows up with mortors and RPGs? What is being reported on the NEWS? Gov. Romney has written off 47% of the country. And oh, by the way, two minutes have been cut out of the Romney tape, but nobody cares to comment on that...

At this time, the entire Middle East is up in arms and protesting against the U.S. and other western countries such as France, the UK, Germany...  Finally, today, Matt Olsen, director of the National Counter-terrorism Center stated:  "Yes, they were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy..."  However, the White House (WH) administration is still sticking to the story that this was not a planned attack, but a spontanious incident.  This is being stated by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  By the way, why is the UN ambassador touring putting out this information.  If this is true, why are we not hearing it straight from Hillary Clinton? 
Sufyan Ben Qumu is thought to have been involved and even may have led the attack, Fox News' intelligence sources said. Qumu, a Libyan, was released from the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 2007 and transferred into Libyan custody on the condition he be kept in jail.  But, for unknown reasons, he is no longer in Libyan custody.
But it is Mitt Romney that the "NEWS" outlets want to cover.  Prez Obama was interviewed by David Letterman last night (Tuesday 18 Sept 2012), and was asked some pretty difficult questions.  However, I did not hear one actual answer.  One statement the Prez made was:  "One thing I've learned as president is that you represent the entire country, there are not a lot of people out there who think they are victims or simply entitled.  The Prez would have you believe that he is a regular guy like you and me, but after his stop with Dave, Obama headed over to a fundraising event anchored by a star-studded bash hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce at Hova'snieve?  What really kills me is that our POTUS has all this time to do Late Night TV interviews and hang out with Jay-Z and Beyance, but unfortunately he is “too busy” and has no time for Prime Minister Netanyahu.  Isn't Isreal our best and strongest ally in the Middle East.  Lastly, when asked by Letterman about the deficite, Obama said he doesn't reacall the exact amount right at this moment.  He totally pulled a Clinton and Letterman along with the rest of the main stream media is letting him get away with it.

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